Sunday, 1 January 2012

another grueller

We'll here we go again,This time a knock-up arranged by Nick for the period in betweeh Christmas and New Year at Harescombe.Arrived at the lake about 8.30am had the usual banter and made the draw at 9.00am last two pegs in the hat just me and Tim to draw peg 11 came out, so at least no walking for me.I decided i would set up just the two rigs one for across to the far shelf the other to fish at the bottom of the far shelf,The shallow far shelf swim would be a rig that took 2 no 8's with a number 10 dropper with a size 18 pr28 hook,Line was 3.3lb straight through.I thought i would fish for anything that swims at the bottom of the far shelf so went to a lighter 2.2lb mainline straight through to again a size 18 pr28, This rig was 4 no 6's and 2 no8 droppers.
First droop in on the far shelf and the tow was incredible so i ended up laying on by some 4-6 inches,Back across with 6mm pellet on the hook and within minutes a bite and a small mirror about 1.5lbs was in the net. Good start or so i thought, The hour or so nothing no bites no indications nothing. Across the lake i could see Chris catching across on the waggler so i decided i would set up the wand and try that, First cast i tried hair rigged corn on the bomb, I was getting liners but no bites so at least i knew there was fish there, I had been feeding the least amount of bait possible for the whole match just 4 or 5 pellets or maggots every time over with the pole on both lines.I decided to give the deeper bottom of the far shelf line a go but after 30mins without even a sign of life i gave that up and went back up on the top of the shelf. anyway to cut a long story short for the rest of th match i had 3 more carp 2 on the pole and the other on the tip all on maggot.
The match was eventually won by Chris who fair play to him fished how nobody else would of on the waggler. I have a couple of theories on what happened today, Firstly the same few pegs framed again and i think this time of year thats down to them being more sheltered from the conditions than the rest of the lake, secondly even though there was a nice colour to the water the might be able to see the pole waving over their heads and finally Nick is a jonah every time i'm next to him i have a crap day.
Until next time.
Oh by the way if you think i need to add more to these blogs let me know,this is all new to me and i'm trying to open up how i decide what to do ands how i do it,what rigs i'm using,baits if i'm missing anything let me know.


  1. Andy, well done mate for giving this a go, this Blogging is all very new to me as well - it's not that user friendly is it?
    I think the more people that are prepared to say what, and why, they are doing what they do - fishing can only be more interesting and more fun for all, keep it up and, I can't wait for the info on Paste fishing!!! don't keep us waiting too long.

  2. Hi Guys,

    I am still living in Cyprus and it's good to see how the matches fished, thanks Paul for keeping me informed, it did sound like a normal winter fishing match, wet and cold.

    Very interesting blog Andy I think everyone will want a blog on how you have mastered the paste fishing.

