Monday 16 April 2012

Cob House- Wyatts-15/04/2012

Leading up to this match i was very optimistic of big weights to be had as from all accounts it had started to fish well. A couple of days before hand i asked on the website ( for any up to date information on Wyatts as the last time i fished that pool was a practice for a pairs match run by Cob House sometime back. Luckily for me i had a very informative PM back from Jake (thanks mate) which helped me decide what my plan would be for the day. Anybody who is not a member of this site (its free by the way) I thoroughly recommend joining as its great site and a perfect way to find out information as it i shared by everyone.
Now back to the plan  firstly as per information gathered i did plan to start at 13 metres with pellet on the deck and also have lines at 4 metres and one down the edge, baits were going to be Pellet, Paste and maggot.
So i arraived at the venue nice and early so i could enjoy the great breakfast that is served at Cob House and i must say i thoroughly enjoyed it, bought my bait and went to draw my peg, I managed to be last to draw (sorry Timmy) and drew out peg 19 which was the opposite bank in the shade and with the wind in my face, which was cold and blowing quite hard.
I got to my peg and as the water level is so low at the moment it would have been better to set up my platform and fish in the water, the only problem being that i had forgotten my waders so that was out the question and i decided i would sit on the bank so i was as low as possible to the water level. I also had to alter my plan slightly as with the wind being so strong i decided against the 13 metre line and just set up at 4 metres and the inside line. i set up two identical rigs for both line as speed really is the key to this place  if i get lots of bites (usually). My set up would be 4.6lb WB Clarke Matchteam line with a size 14 PR 28 hook couple with a series 6 Maver Invicible float 4x14 at around 4 metres i probably had 2 1/2 feet of water so this would be my main line if attack.
My inside line would again be all tied to the same line and hook patterns but with a lighter Maver float (sorry i forget which one now), Elastics were black hydro.
Feed would be fishery pellet, and hookbaits would be paste and some 4mm and 6mm ringers expanders and i also had some red maggot with me just in case.
Just waiting for the whistle

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